Pope Pius XI The diary of the Specola indicates that Pope Pius XI held more than a dozen audiences with the astronomers of the Specola Vaticana, from 6 May 1922 to 31 O October 1938. It was his generous support that allowed the observatory to move to new quarters...
Pope Pius XII On 12 November 1957, Pope Pius XII dedicated the Schmidt telescope, whose purchase he had facilitated from his own funds. It was a strictly private matter, with only members of the Jesuit community present. Area 4 Group...
Pope John XXIII On the Feast of St. Ignatius, 31 July 1959, Pope John XIII visited the Astrophysical Laboratory with Fr. Saltpeter SJ, to his left. Area 4 Group...
Pope Paul VI On the night of the Moon Landing, 20 July 1969, Pope Paul VI visited the Schmidt telescope. Here, accompanied by Fr. O’Connell SJ, he is looking through the finder telescope attached to the Schmidt. Area 4 Group...
The Marquis de Mauroy The meteorite collection at the Vatican exists today due to the efforts of Adrien-Charles, Marquis de Mauroy (1848-1927). A distinguished agronomist and gentleman-scientist, his collection of minerals was famous throughout Europe, and his...
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