Area 2

Garden Domes

Area 2:
Early Instruments

Before Father Hagen arrived at the Specola, it followed a variety of different scientific projects. Among the instruments on display here are astrolabes dating from the 1600s, a Merz telescope from the late 1800s, instruments for measuring the Earth’s magnetic field, and globes depicting the starry sky, Mars, and the Moon.

Group 1
  • Merz Telescope
Group 2
  • Magnetometer
Group 3
  • Display of Astrolabes and Globes
Group 4
  • Corinthian capital of pilaster
  • Corinthian capital of column
Group 5
  • Historic Meteorite Fall
Group 6
  • Fr. Alois Gatterer, S.J.
  • Fr. Johan Stein, S.J.
  • Fr. Patrick Treanor, S.J.
  • Fr. Daniel O’Connell, S.J.