Calandrelli Tower

Calandrelli Tower

Calandrelli Tower The Collegio Romano was founded by St. Ignatius in 1551 in a modest house at the foot of the Campidoglio. In 1585, Pope Gregory XIII endowed a new magnificent site, and the institution quickly became the most important center of study for the Society...
Roman College Observatory

Roman College Observatory

Roman College Observatory The Roman College was restored to the Jesuits in the early 19th century. In 1850, Fr. Angelo Secchi SJ was named the director of the Roman College Observatory. Two years later, with the encouragement of Father General Roothaan, Secchi revived...
Church of St. Ignatius (Model)

Church of St. Ignatius (Model)

Church of St. Ignatius (Model) Model of the Church of St. Ignatius, approximately as it would have been in the year 1870. Fr. Angelo Secchi SJ, director of the Observatory of the Roman College from 1848-1878, constructed an observatory on the roof of the church, with...
Sisters Computer

Sisters Computer

Home The History The Exhibition Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 The Telescopes Pagina Test Sisters Computer Four Sisters of the Holy Child Mary – Sisters Emilia Ponzoni, Regina Colombo, Concetta Finardi and Luigia Panceri – did the painstaking work of evaluating...
Repsold Micrometers

Repsold Micrometers

Repsold Micrometers Once the photographic plates for the Carte du Ciel program were taken, the positions of the brightest stars on each plate had to be measured, star by star. When the Specola moved to the former papal villa on the wall of the Vatican, a special room...